Frankie Smith is an abstract expressionist who first became interested in art during a fall beach vacation in 2018. She and her husband walked past a little art class studio and wandered in on a whim. “The art teacher had no students at the time, and we spent a few enjoyable minutes chatting. She offered me a two-hour lesson at a reasonable price,” she recalls. ”Those two hours stretched into at least six. She encouraged me and noted that I had a natural talent. It was the first time I ever painted. That painting has a place of honor on my wall. I fell in love…absolutely in love with paint and canvas.”

Frankie prefers to paint with blues, violets, and greens. “Those colors evoke a feeling of peace for me,” she explains. Her creations are also aided by her eclectic choice in music while she paints. “During the last month, I painted to Lenny Kravitz, Abba, Vivaldi, and Cat Stephens.  I usually start with a base layer of a combination of blues and let the music guide me.” She adds: “I lose all sense of time and feel a oneness with the Creator as I paint. I am in a place of prayer. I hope in the future that I continue to embrace the holy and let that guide me where I am meant to travel in my artistic endeavors.”

To see more of Frankie’s art, go to